American Made Copper Weathervanes

Sailboat Weathervane 720

Weathervane Factory

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Copper Sailboat Weathervane - Handmade in USA

Behold the magnificent Copper Sailboat Weathervane, a true masterpiece of craftsmanship and artistry. Handmade in the USA by skilled artisans, this weathervane is a stunning addition to any home or garden. Crafted from pure copper, it boasts intricate detailing and a natural patina that only grows more beautiful over time.

As it catches the wind with grace and elegance, the sailboat design brings a sense of nautical charm to any outdoor space. Whether adorning your rooftop, barn, or shed, this weathervane not only serves as a functional weather indicator but also adds a touch of timeless beauty to your surroundings. Its durable construction ensures that it will withstand the elements for years to come while evoking an aura of enduring quality and tradition.

With its classic yet captivating design and handcrafted attention to detail, the Copper Sailboat Weathervane is an exquisite symbol of American craftsmanship at its finest. Adding an air of nostalgia and sophistication to any setting, this artisanal piece stands as both a practical tool for measuring wind direction and as an heirloom-quality work of art that can be passed down through generations.

Sailboat Weathervane Specifications

Our weathervane purchase includes the figure, copper spacer balls, the directionals, rod and ring. The weathervane figure is made in the USA from 16 ounce copper, each piece is hammered and bent to form a unique piece of masterful copper weathervane art that will last for years to come.

Weathervane approximate figure dimensions: 29"L X 22"H
Add approx. 10" to dimension height for directionals and spacer balls
Directional Dimensions: 18"L with 3" Lettering
Weathervane Options: natural or patina copper // standard or scrolled directionals

Please note: cupolas and weathervane mounts are sold separate.
Our weathervanes fit all mounts and cupolas offered on our site.

Our weathervane comes ready to fit any of our cupolas we sell. To mount the weathervane into one of our cupolas all you have to do it put the solid ¾”weathervane rod down through the top of the cupola and through an internal crossmember inside the roof of the cupola. Use a little caulking around the hole to seal the rod and cupola together.

Our larger cupolas have a clamp under the crossmember so that it can lock the rod in place under the cross member. If you are not using a cupola with our Sloop/Sailboat Weathervane then please check out our many types of brackets, stands and mounts on our mounts page. If an extended rod is needed to add more height or depth, please use a red thread locker such as Loctite or other brand.

Weathervane Figure - Made in the USA.

Our weathervane is made here in Eddington, Maine by hand hammering it into a form using 16 oz copper/ 24 gauge. Our weathervane is made from real copper and will turn brown, black and then a green patina over time. If you choose to keep the weathervane shiny, you can always apply a clear coat of exterior poly urethane over the weathervane figure and weathervane parts to keep it from changing. Our main Weathervane Retail Shop is located in Trenton, Maine on route 3 headed towards Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.